Sunday, 21 October 2007

Lonely star

I seem to have California poppies all over the garden now. I don't think I'll be sowing any next year as they seem to be self-seeding. This is rather a lonely-looking fella, tucked up in a sunless area amidst the Euphorbia (good colour against them).

Spring greens

I've come to the conclusion that the deck is the only place the slugs haven't found out about - unless I am blessed with slugs with vertigo. These are getting too big for the pot but I might try using the leaves in salads and seeing if they keep on coming. I'm going to do more on-deck growing next year.

Rosemary hedging

Oh how chuffed am I with my dwarf rosemary hedge. I grew all of these from heal cuttings and now they have just begun to join up looking like a proper tasty hedge.

Little sprout

I only put some onion sets in a couple of weeks ago and already they are sprouting. The birds successfully rearranged them for me about a day after I'd put them in neat rows (one red, one brown - I'm trying to make things look more interesting). I've covered the whole area in heavy duty netting - bit too heavy, tends to collapse after a bit of rain. Anyway, the onions are back in neat rows and looking good for it.

Full of holes

The Pak Choi I grew from seed (Joi Choi) are doing pretty well (see them a month ago) but there isn't one leaf without a few holes. My fault - been a bit lazy on the slug patrol. Might have to start a new offensive tonight...