Tuesday, 27 November 2007

Bulbs in waiting

I've been behind with autumn gardening this year so missed out on planting bulbs in the beds. I bought a few packs that were left in a garden centre and popped them into a couple of pots. This one has (I think) Iris Gipsy Beauty and Tulip Golden Apeldoorn. The other pot has tulips Elegant Lady and Black Hero. I've given up on daffs as they always face into our neighbours garden or away from the house (we are north facing). Tulips are much more rounded individuals.

Trimmed budleia

I saw a budleia that had been trimmed like this when I was walking around the village and thought it was a good idea. I have three in a row that we inherited with the garden. I'm not a big fan but they cover a nasty wall (well, mostly) and the butterflies they attract really are amazing. I didn't have the heart to remove them so just keep this one, that was forever overtaking the patio, neatly trimmed in shape. It doesn't flower (the others do) but it does keep its leaves over the winter which is a bonus.

Autumn broadies

I think I sowed these broad beans in October (seed packet missing) and didn't really expect them to be showing so soon but I think it's okay. I'm not planning on covering them with fleece although my local garden centre said I could throw some newspaper over them if we have a hard frost. I'm not sure I'll remember this. So great to see new growth at this time of year.

Not all blown away

There are still a few pretty-looking stragglers on this field maple. I missed most of them when we were away earlier in the month. This time next year, I'm hoping I won't be able to see through the branches to the rotten fence behind. I'm going to do what Carol Klein did and knit together the branches by bending them down and through its neighbours. This is supposed to produce lateral shoots that head upward making the whole hedge thicker.

Friday, 2 November 2007

Pumpkin post

No, I didn't grow it, but I am dead proud of it.