Thursday, 26 July 2007

Bee is for borage

At least the rain hasn't deterred the bees. The veg plot is buzzing with them, largely because the borage has gone mad this year. I can't quite believe how 'green' I was to buy a packet of borage seeds - absolutely no need, they self seed with a vengence and have filled up the space where my beans have failed (a very sad, empty cane wigwam - they were eaten, tedril, leaf and stem while we were on holiday). Just as well for borage I suppose, better than an empty plot.


  1. have u tried adding the flowers to salads? nice glop of nectar if u beat bees to em.

  2. I've added the flowers to drinks but just for decoration. I keep meaning to put in the centre of ice cubes but never get around to it.
