Monday, 6 August 2007


I've been busy already today (just enjoying some toast with jam and cheese - try it, lovely) . I took some cuttings early this morning (the best time). These are:

  • everlasting wallflowers (our site is so windy, especially in winter, I've decided to grow new each year from cuttings, otherwise they look rather woody)
  • Physocarpus opilifolius Diabolo - a big, beefy purple-leaved shrub with pretty pink flowers in summer. This is for my brother, he's got an empty garden at the mo and needs a bit of structure.
  • Rosemary - Mrs Jessop's Upright
  • a pretty shrub that I can't find the label for - has variegated leaves and lilac spokes of flowers at the end of summer
  • penstemon 'Stapleford Gem'
Trouble is my cold frame is full with Pak Choi, spring greens and lettuce, all sown in trays last Thursday (and they are showing already). Not sure where the cuttings are going to live...might have to take over a windowsill...


  1. thats gross on toast i think. nice healthy looking cuttings though. do u cover them with plastic? i just keep mine in shady place and mist . have had good success even with some acers.

  2. I've just left these out in the front garden (no plastic) - it's quite sheltered round there although I have been a bit fearful with the colder nights we've had lately. They seem okay though. I did put some of the bigger penstemon cuttings in the cold frame - squeezed them in.
