Saturday, 14 March 2009


I bought this rose in an impatient mood (overpriced in an expensive garden centre) and I've only had one flower on it in the last four years. It got cramped by some trellis, fighting for light between a Clematis and a Honeysuckle (not ideal). Then I read you aren't supposed to prune it in the first couple of years (oops) and that branches should be tied horizontally to encourage flowering (oh). It's my first rose so I didn't know this stuff.

I've brutally moved it (might have lost a few roots during dig-up) to this open sunny spot. I'm going to get some bright climbing rope to tie around the stakes to make it look a bit jazzy. The rose is a tea/yellow colour. What are my chances of it flowing this year?

The Rosemary edging looks rather frayed after the snow. I hope it recovers to look as good as it has in previous years.

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